Posts by jhumphries


September 28, 2018 DAILY READING Acts 12:20-25This weekend’s reading: Genesis 22:1-19 FIELD NOTES Herod was a persecutor of the followers of Jesus.  He executed James, the brother of Jesus.  He imprisoned Peter.  Because Peter was popular Herod was worried a riot might ensue if Peter was executed.  So, he conveniently left town.  “Then Herod went…

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Come, Holy Spirit

September 27, 2018 DAILY READING Acts 4:13-31This weekend’s reading: Genesis 22:1-19 FIELD NOTES As soon as Peter and John were let go, they went to their friends and told them what the high priests and religious leaders had said. Hearing the report, they lifted their voices in a wonderful harmony in prayer: “Strong God, you…

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And the Truth Will Set You Free

September 26, 2018 DAILY READING John 8:1-3; 21-38This weekend’s reading: Genesis 22:1-19 FIELD NOTES But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.  Early in the morning He came back into the temple [court], and all the people were coming to Him. He sat down and began teaching them. Then Jesus turned to the Jews who…

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Is It Too Late?

September 25, 2018 DAILY READING James 5:1-6This weekend’s reading: Genesis 22:1-19 FIELD NOTES People have said it is fun to try to figure out who has written a particular Field Guide entry.  I am thankful today that we do not ‘sign’ these.  There is some freedom in being anonymous!A few days ago at a four-way…

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September 24, 2018 DAILY READING James 4:7-10This weekend’s reading: Genesis 22:1-19 FIELD NOTES “James wrote to Jewish Christians who were scattered throughout the Mediterranean world because of persecution. In their hostile surroundings they were tempted to let intellectual agreement pass for true faith. James reminds us that true faith transforms lives…” And transformed lives put…

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Good Advice

September 22, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 1Matthew 23:29-39This weekend’s reading: Genesis 18:1-15 FIELD NOTES Advice is not hard to get these days. For anything that ails you; for any problem you might have, there’s probably a book, a guru, a TV show, a radio host, or a website that can give you advice on how…

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And Can It Be

September 21, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 1Romans 11:25-32This weekend’s reading: Genesis 18:1-15 FIELD NOTES “Long my imprisoned spirit lay,Fast bound in sin and nature’s night;Thine eye diffused a quickening ray–I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;My chains fell off, my heart was free,I rose, went forth, and followed Thee.” – “And Can It Be” – Verse…

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Human Wisdom

September 20, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 11 Corinthians 2:1-5This weekend’s reading: Genesis 18:1-15 FIELD NOTES In this passage from 1st Corinthians, Paul makes a helpful distinction for us: the difference between faith based on human reason and faith based on the power of God. John Wesley affirmed that reason was an important element in a person’s faith…

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Where Is Jesus From?

September 19, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 73:21-28John 7:25-36This weekend’s reading: Genesis 18:1-15 FIELD NOTES The people of Jesus’s day questioned his Messiahship because they had been taught that they would not know where the Messiah came from. But, of course, they knew where Jesus came from: he was from Nazareth. He was the carpenter’s son. The…

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The Butterfly Effect

September 18, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 73:21-28Colossians 3:1-11This weekend’s reading: Genesis 18:1-15 FIELD NOTES It’s common that many of us carry around burden and guilt in our lives. It’s true: we all mess up. We all fall short of God’s glory. But this passage from Colossians reminds us that in Christ, we not only are freed…

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