Posts by jhumphries

Taxes to Whom Taxes are Due

October 30, 2017 DAILY READING Romans 13:1-7 This week’s sermon text: Romans 16:3-16 FIELD NOTESToday’s reading raised all sorts of questions for me. As a citizen of a country which came into existence by throwing off the authority of its colonial overlords, Paul’s admonishment to “be subject to the governing authorities” and his statement that…

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Christ’s Immeasurable Grace

October 28, 2017 DAILY READING Ephesians 4:1-7 This week’s sermon text: Romans 13:1-7 FIELD NOTES Our devotions all week have revolved around how we can measure a person’s faith. What are the marks of a disciple of Christ? How do you measure spiritual growth? I struggle with perfectionism. Instead of seeing how God is using…

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The Measure of Love

October 27, 2017 DAILY READING 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 This week’s sermon text: Romans 13:1-7 FIELD NOTES Sometimes when we use words and phrases like “love like Jesus” or “motivated by love,” it is difficult to tangibly understand what we mean. What does “love like Jesus” look like in the reality of the refugee crisis in…

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Measuring Our Faith

October 26, 2017 DAILY READING 1 John 4:16 This week’s sermon text: Romans 13:1-7 FIELD NOTES “God is love; and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them.” This week, Davis asked us in his sermon, “How might you measure a person’s faith?” To measure a person’s height, you would…

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The Fruit of the Spirit’s Not an Apple

October 25, 2017 DAILY READING Galatians 5:22-23 This week’s sermon text: Romans 13:1-7 FIELD NOTES We know that we are called to be disciples of Christ, but how do we know if we are on the right track? What are the marks of a Christian disciple? One of the most famous verses of the letter…

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Living with a Humble Heart

October 24, 2017 DAILY READING Romans 12:3 This week’s sermon text: Romans 13:1-7 FIELD NOTES It is so easy for me to get a little full of myself when I’m good about serving at missions events, caring for my colleagues, and checking in with my friends to make sure they are doing okay. It becomes…

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Every Stage of Life

October 23, 2017 DAILY READING Romans 12:9-21 This week’s sermon text: Romans 13:1-7 FIELD NOTES As a pastor in the Adult Discipleship department at BUMC, I have been asking people what spiritual practices (or Wesley calls them “spiritual disciplines”) have helped them to grow deeper in their faith. Spiritual practices like prayer, Bible study, and…

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Commend Our Lives

October 21, 2017 DAILY READING Luke 23:46 This week’s sermon text: Romans 12:9-12 FIELD NOTES It is awe inspiring when we really meditate and think upon the strength and faith that it took for Jesus to fully commend his spirit to his father. While we know that Jesus was divine, and therefore knew God’s plan…

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Feasting on the Word

October 20, 2017 DAILY READING Romans 6:13 This week’s sermon text: Romans 12:9-12 FIELD NOTES “A friend of mine is a slave to fashion, and fashion is a fickle master indeed. Every season brings a new set of requirements, new clothing and accessories to be purchased, new trends to be adopted. Sometimes she looks fabulous;…

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Capital ‘T’ Truth

October 19, 2017 DAILY READING Luke 9:24 This week’s sermon text: Romans 12:9-12 FIELD NOTES The Christian faith is full of paradoxes. The least will be the greatest? That doesn’t seem to make sense in the rest of the world. An elderly, barren couple will become the progenitor of a great nation? Abraham and Sarah’s…

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