
Facing the Tests

DAILY READING Philippians 1:9-11 Barbara Brokoff tells of a school and a county rescue squad’s efforts to create a “mock air attack drill” in the 1950s. The alarm went off, and the school chose a 4th-grade boy to lie on a stretcher, waiting for the ambulance to arrive.  Everyone forgot to call the ambulance, and…

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The Power of Laughter

DAILY READING Philippians 1:1-6 Laughter is a gift from God. Our medical experts exalt the virtues of laughter. People who have a minimum of three good laughs a day are healthier, have greater oxygen flow through their bodies, build stronger immunity systems, sleep better, and have less stress. Even people who force a good laugh…

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Joy and Happiness

DAILY READING Philippians 1:1-6 While on a mission trip, I got “doubled-over-sick,” unable to stand and walk. I was not happy, but I had joy. How? There’s a difference between happiness and joy. Because Paul weaves joy through its 104 verses, the church refers to Philippians as the Book of Joy. What’s the difference between joy…

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A Second Language

DAILY READING Philippians 1:3-5 While being chased by a dog, the cat turned and “barked” at it. The dog, totally confused and now scared, ran to hide behind a bush. The caption of this newspaper cartoon read, “It helps to know a second language.” Paul’s second language was prayer with thanksgiving and joy. Paul was…

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Blessed Be the Tie that Binds

DAILY READING Philippians 1:1-2 Retired Bishop Emerson Colaw tells of six-year-old Mary Taft, whose family were members of Hyde Park UMC, Cincinnati, where he pastored for many years. On her first day of school, the teacher asked the children to introduce themselves. Mary stood tall and said, “I am Mary Taft. My great-grandfather was the…

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DAILY READING Philippians 1:1-11 When beginning letters and emails, I usually start with “Dear St. _____.”  Many reply, “I am not a saint.”  Today, the title “saint” implies achieving a super-spiritual level. But Paul uses it to mean “brothers and sisters in Christ.” Paul designates a saint as one on a journey, growing in oneness with…

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DAILY READING Luke 24:36-40 I don’t know about you, but I am so thankful to be reminded that even after resurrection, Jesus keeps his scars. It assures me that all that I’ve been through makes me into who I am. Those journeys don’t just disappear after healing. That wouldn’t be honest. Instead, the scars remain…

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A Little Faith

DAILY READING 1 Samuel 17:19-32 At this year’s Harvest Hands Advocates Breakfast, Rev. Brian Hicks talked about the gentrification of south Nashville. I was struck by his non-traditional way of accepting this change. Most non-profit directors would have said, “What a shame,” and began looking for ministry opportunities elsewhere. But Brian took what could have…

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Nothing Is Too Big For Our God

DAILY READING 1 Samuel 17:1-23 “When Saul and the Israelites heard [the threat of Goliath] they were dismayed and greatly afraid.” Boy, do I know the feeling.  A loved one was recently diagnosed with cancer. I heard the news and instantly a ton of bricks fell into the pit of my stomach. It was as…

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