

DAILY READING Luke 13:31-35 Brentwood United Methodist Church is my spiritual home. It was here that I sang the songs of childhood and learned the classic Bible stories.  This youth group is where I fell in love with Jesus and where I discovered my call to ministry.  The pews in this Sanctuary were where Wesley’s…

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DAILY READING Luke 4:1-13 Right before Jesus is in the desert, he is baptized in the Jordan river by John the Baptist. Immediately following the baptism, Jesus is driven out into the desert for 40 days and nights. Instead of getting to start his ministry, Jesus is out where there is nothing but stillness and rest. I am sure that like many…

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DAILY READING Luke 4:1-13 I have never spent much time alone in the wilderness; partly because I fear what creatures larger than me I might run into, but mostly because being alone leaves behind the comfort in numbers I feel. Jesus accompanied only by the Holy Spirit set out into the wilderness to come face to face with not only the elements, but also…

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DAILY READING Luke 4:1-13 Why is it that temptation comes at the least opportune time for us? When we are finally starting to get back to a routine, the seasons change. When we are starting to get all the chores done and the house looking nice, the dryer breaks. It seems as if we are…

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DAILY READING Luke 4:1-13 We’re all familiar with the pre-flight safety routine – the one that instructs passengers to put on their oxygen mask first before assisting children or other passengers. This demonstration reflects the values of the world. We are often told to take care of ourselves first – make sure your wants, needs, and desires are…

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DAILY READING Luke 4:1-13 Wilderness  When the Wilderness overcomes you, and covers you over like the darkness of a polar winter  You will be by yourself, but not alone.  For in the solitude, under the thick cover of the blinding absence of a warm sun,  A strange beast, clothed in luminous forces, will invade your inner…

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DAILY READING Luke 4:1-13 You know when you’ve read a scripture numerous times, and then suddenly, you realize something you’ve not noticed before? Yes, it happens to me, too.  Jesus was led into the wilderness… BY the Holy Spirit, where He was then tempted for 40 days. Wow. In my very limited, human perspective, it might cause me to scratch my…

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The Lord Listens

DAILY READING Psalm 116:1-5 1 I love the Lord, for he heard my voice;    he heard my cry for mercy.2 Because he turned his ear to me,    I will call on him as long as I live. 3 The cords of death entangled me,    the anguish of the grave came over me;    I was overcome by distress and sorrow.4 Then I called on the name of the Lord:    “Lord, save me!”…

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