In the Belly

DAILY READING Jonah 2:1-10 FIELD NOTES I have a greater appreciation for Jonah these days. I feel at times as though I am in the belly of the great fish, not knowing when or where I will be spit out.  Maybe you feel stuck in the belly as you live through the extended reality of…

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DAILY READING Psalm 114 FIELD NOTES This psalm celebrates God’s wonders at the Exodus. It tells us that God is in the business of making impossible things possible: Splitting seas. Turning rocks into water. Releasing captives. Even raising people from the dead. When a family member of mine turned away from her faith, it was…

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The Question Jesus Asks Us

DAILY READING Psalm 23 Luke 18:35-43 FIELD NOTES In today’s story, a blind man asks Jesus for help. “Son of David, have mercy on me,” he shouts as Jesus makes his way past him, surrounded by a noisy crowd. When Jesus hears this one, lone voice above the din, he asks that the man be…

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DAILY READING Psalm 23 Acts 17:16-31 FIELD NOTES When you think of “idols,” what do you think of first? I think of some kind of primitive, scary-looking statue covered with gold and with emeralds for eyes — something that Indiana Jones would be searching for deep in a rainforest in Thailand or the Amazon.  Our…

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Spittin’ Image

DAILY READING Psalm 23 Colossians 1:15-23 FIELD NOTES If you were to see a picture of my husband as a young adult and then look at a photo of our son who’s in his early 30s now, you would be amazed at how much two people can look alike. It’s not an exaggeration to say…

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Under the Tree

DAILY READING Psalm 142 Amos 9:11-15 FIELD NOTES Several years ago, we lived in a house that had a patio bordered by a large cherry tree. In the spring, the tree would be covered with pale pink blossoms shimmering in the light breeze. In the summer, its thick green leaves shaded our patio with dappled…

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Great Expectations

DAILY READING Psalm 142 Acts 23:12-35 FIELD NOTES Today’s passage from Acts reads like an action movie — complete with intrigue, a plotted assassination and an escape by night under military protection. What was it about Paul that made him so dangerous to the religious establishment in Jerusalem? He was proclaiming the Good News of…

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Written in the Stars

DAILY READING Psalm 142 Amos 5:1-9 FIELD NOTES One of the first constellations I learned to identify in the dark winter sky was Orion. With its three bright stars aligned diagonally like the belt of a warrior, it was easy to spot on a clear night, striding across the eastern and southern skies. Throughout my…

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