Daily Devotionals


Nothing Is Too Big For Our God

DAILY READING 1 Samuel 17:1-23 “When Saul and the Israelites heard [the threat of Goliath] they were dismayed and greatly afraid.” Boy, do I know the feeling.  A loved one…


Seek To Believe

DAILY READING Luke 24:1-12 In Luke’s resurrection story, Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary mother of James, and a few other unnamed women are the first to preach the good news of…


Gates of Righteousness

DAILY READING Psalm 118:19-20 Yesterday we focused on the 24th verse of Psalm 118, and gave thanks for the day the Lord has made. Today we’ll focus on these verses, as…


Steadfast Love

DAILY READING Psalm 118:24 Here we are on the first Monday following a triumphant Easter. After an online-only service in 2020, and an outdoor service off campus last year, what…



DAILY READING Luke 19:28-40   Social scientists say that we make up our minds about someone in the first 100 milliseconds of our first meeting. First impressions matter, and can you imagine being…



DAILY READING Luke 19:28-40   What a sight it must have been to see Jesus ride into town with the people around enthusiastically praising him. They were celebrating all the mighty acts they…



DAILY READING Luke 19:28-40   As we read this text again today, we see several items given so that Jesus can enter Jerusalem in grand style. All of these gifts are important…



DAILY READING Luke 19:28-40   You know those scenes in movies or TV shows where the hero commandeers a civilian’s vehicle in order to chase down the bad guy? It’s humorous to me to imagine…



DAILY READING Luke 19:28-40   The listeners in Luke’s time would have understood the meaning behind the description of Jesus “going up to Jerusalem,” riding a colt that had never been ridden and entering the…



DAILY READING Luke 19:28-40   I am tempted in my personal prayer life to leap straight from, “Hey God” to “HELP!” I am quick to get to the work of confession: laying before God the…