Posts by Michele Crater


DAILY READING Luke 19:28-40   Social scientists say that we make up our minds about someone in the first 100 milliseconds of our first meeting. First impressions matter, and can you imagine being Adam or Eve? Your first impression of God and the world God has just created was that rest was not an afterthought, rather it was…

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DAILY READING Luke 19:28-40   What a sight it must have been to see Jesus ride into town with the people around enthusiastically praising him. They were celebrating all the mighty acts they had seen and heard, while also anticipating what was to come. These followers lived with enthusiasm the praise that they had for Jesus, the Son of…

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DAILY READING Luke 19:28-40   As we read this text again today, we see several items given so that Jesus can enter Jerusalem in grand style. All of these gifts are important and of great worth but they each have a different focus. The owner gave his donkey because he was asked to by his master. He…

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DAILY READING Luke 19:28-40   You know those scenes in movies or TV shows where the hero commandeers a civilian’s vehicle in order to chase down the bad guy? It’s humorous to me to imagine the disciples commandeering a civilian’s donkey for Jesus. “Get out of the way, the Lord needs it!”  No doubt there were many who thought this…

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DAILY READING Luke 19:28-40   The listeners in Luke’s time would have understood the meaning behind the description of Jesus “going up to Jerusalem,” riding a colt that had never been ridden and entering the city with a welcome befitting a king. However, unlike an earthly king, who only holds dominion over his subjects, even the stones would praise Christ…

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DAILY READING Luke 19:28-40   I am tempted in my personal prayer life to leap straight from, “Hey God” to “HELP!” I am quick to get to the work of confession: laying before God the places that I know I’m falling short in my discipleship, where I am missing the marks of compassion and forgiveness and goodness and generosity.    And…

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DAILY READING John 12:1-8 As you have read this week, Mary is anointing Jesus’ feet with perfume and wiping them with her hair. I went looking but couldn’t find any place where someone told her she needed to do this, she did it of her own accord because she wanted to. Judas’ response was one of judgement because he did not understand why she was…

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DAILY READING John 12:1-8 When reading this passage, I kept being drawn to the very end of verse three, “and the house was filled with the fragrances of the perfume.” Now, I will admit that I am likely taking some liberty with the passage, but the more I read that the more it read to me “and the house was filled with the essence…

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