The Fruit of the Spirit’s Not an Apple | July 3, 2019

DAILY READING Galatians 5:22-23 FIELD NOTES We know that we are called to be disciples of Christ, but how do we know if we are on the right track?  What are the marks of a Christian disciple?  One of the most famous verses of the letter to Galatians is the passage of the fruit of…

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Living with a Humble Heart | July 2, 2019

DAILY READING Romans 12:3 FIELD NOTES It is so easy for me to get a little full of myself when I’m good about serving at missions events, caring for my colleagues, and checking in with my friends to make sure they are doing okay.  It becomes so easy for me to pat myself on the…

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Every Stage of Life | July 1, 2019

DAILY READING Romans 12:9-21 FIELD NOTES As a pastor in the adult discipleship department at church, I have been asking people what spiritual practices (or Wesley calls them “spiritual disciplines”) have helped them to grow deeper in their faiths.  Spiritual practices like prayer, Bible study, and serving others often come up.  One time, I was…

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Everyone | June 29, 2019

DAILY READING Matthew 22:36-40Luke 9:21-27 FIELD NOTES We are reading the Bible with a lens that is over 2000 years further along in human history and development. Our circumstances are not the same as those faced by Jesus and his disciples and yet the truth-telling in the Bible we find still informs our lives today.…

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Long Distance Relationships | June 28, 2019

DAILY READING Matthew 22:36-40Galatians 4:8-20 FIELD NOTES I was drawn to the description in the text of the relationship between Paul and the folks who cared for him after his Damascus Road experience. Paul’s arrival was providential.  It changed their lives. I know I am tugging on this neighbor thing pretty hard, but sometimes the…

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Am I a Good Neighbor? | June 27, 2019

DAILY READING Matthew 22:36-402 Corinthians 13:5-10 FIELD NOTES I enjoy taking almost any self-assessment I come across…serious or silly.  Sometimes I am affirmed, sometimes puzzled, and sometimes convicted.  I pretty much knew what was coming when I took the short ‘neighbor quiz’ associated with our summer ‘good neighbor’ series.  I am a lukewarm neighbor! I…

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A Good Neighbor? | June 26, 2019

DAILY READING Matthew 22:36-40Luke 9:37-44 FIELD NOTES There are many verses in this text worthy of reflection. I was trying to determine where to focus my writing. As I was walking to the refrigerator to get a cold drink, I wondered if Jesus had ever been called the Good Neighbor? He was 30 when he…

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Everyone | June 25, 2019

DAILY READING Matthew 22:36-40Ephesians 2:11-22 FIELD NOTES I have chosen the Message for our daily reading because I enjoy its less formal language and I often gain additional insight into applying scripture to 2019.  In his letter to the Ephesians Paul is painting a picture of unity in Christ…everyone belongs!  “He [God] used the apostles…

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